The late Dr. Nathan Kennet founded the firm in the early fifties.

From 1940 he began working, as an officer in the British Mandate government, at the court in
Tel Aviv, then was in 14 Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv.

In May, 1948, before the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel, Nathan graduated from law
school in Jerusalem of London Unuversity, and joined the lawyers in Palestine (Israel), and was awarded Palestine (Israel)
lawyer permit number 631. After the establishment of the State of Israel new numbers license weres given (1949) and the number was changed to -Liecence No. 1297.

Nathan was one of the founders of the Israeli Police Force and was called together with other members (Judges Haim Cohen and the Eliyahu Manny) to establish the core of the Department of Justice.

During his service at the Police, he graduated his studies of General Police interrogation -
Crime Detection Sciences, at the University of Chicago.
Nathan served as principal investigator & the District Prosecutor at the district magistrate's and district Courts in Tel Aviv, and then, as the legal adviser of the Investigations Division.

Until 1951 he served as an Attorney General of Jaffa District, then moved by the State Prosecutor, to serve as Deputy District Attorney of Tel Aviv .

During the fifties, after retiring from his service as a civil servant, he became an independent lawyer, until his death.

Over the years, he earned a "Master of Law", from Tel Aviv University and then a PhD in International Law, from Columbia University, through the University of London.

Nathan received the title of "Honorary Professor", from the University of Bucharest, Romania ecology, which he voluntarily gave lectures on the law in Israel.

In 1960, Nathan was one of the founders, of the International Police Association in Israel.
IPA - International police Association Israel Section.

He served in various capacities and was the representative of the International police Association in various committees and Congresses in the world.

Among other things, he also served as president of the Military court in Gaza as reserve Judge, with the rank of Major.

In addition of being an independent lawyer and an expert in criminal law, he was active in numerous Israel Bar Association Committees.

He served as Vice Chairman of  Discipline Courts Of the Bar Association, for over 30 years.

He was active in various committees of the Israel Bar Association and in particular Intern committees, and Intern exams. He also served as a representative of, Committee, Constitution and Justice Law, at the Israeli Knesset.

According to Judgment of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel in the matter of Issar Harel V. the State of Israel, who was the head of the Mossad, the court wrote in the judgement that Nathan Kennet was sent secretly to Argentina to seek and explore the exact location and address of Adolf Eichmann. (During the  late 50'S) . 

In addition to practicing law, Dr. Nathan Kennet was active in many public offices and served as Chairman of associations, such as the Foundation named Professor Rubinstein Audiology at Tel Hashomer Hospital, Rehabilitation of heart patients and heart institute at Tel Hashomer , the "heart to heart" of Ichilov Hospital, and a board member of the Society of Medicine and Law in Israel.
He served as Vice Chairman of the International Center for Ethics, Medicine and Law at the University of Haifa.
 Nathan Kennet served as official auditor, the Prison Service and detention centers, according to the appointment of the Minister of Public Security, as the representative of the Bar Association, for about 15 years.

Dr. Kennet Nathan and Haim kennet wrote
four books of law:
-. Fingerprints in practice.
-. Identification and investigation.
-. The burden of proof and leagal presumptions.
-. Criminal Procedure and case law.

In 1998 he received from the Israel Bar Association, a
Gold Medal  for Jubilee years of his service as a lawyer.
In 2004 he was awarded the title of
"professional Notable Fellowship" award of the Israel Bar Association for his contribution to Israeli law and the Israel Bar Association.

Dr.Nathan Kennet Advocate 

רחוב אבן גבירול 129 תל אביב, 62037  טלפון: 03-5462656, 03-5464098, פקס: 03-5463853    

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